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Hi, I'm Barb Scala

Transition Coach

Imagine something different for your life. Now imagine that you know the steps how to get there. It's possible! 

You thought at this stage, life would be great.

But things changed and I'm here to help.


Post-Divorce Reinvention


Empty Nesting Transition


Career Reinvention 


Pre-Divorce Contemplation

After a divorce shook my world with empty nesting and career shifts soon to follow, I felt alone with no one truly understanding what I was going through. Right then and there, I vowed that I would find a way to help women who also felt overwhelmed, stressed and stuck when faced with life changes, to get Calm, Centered and In Control so that they can live life on their terms and also, live a life they deserved. 


Helping women bloom became my trademark. Even though I was an attorney, I set out on a quest to find my 'something more' by launching a podcast, events and a women's conference. I also became a certified life transition coach working with women going through transitions and changes, and was honored to work and co-author a book with renowned NBC Today Show guest psychologist Dr. Dale Atkins entitled Sanity Savers: Tips for Women to Live a Balanced Life.


Bloom was my dream. Yet, even though I had written about balance, at that time I felt anything 'but'. As a single mom I was overworked, stressed and overwhelmed. I also wanted more financial security. So, I put my dream on hold and returned to practice law again. But my dream never died.

I relaunched as Bloom with Barb and my mission reflects my story: To help women have smoother transitions through divorce, empty nesting and career changes, and learn how to move forward to a vibrant, fulfilling life. From my background as an attorney to my own life experinces, I have the tools and skills to help women going through all sorts of transitions, and understand the emotional upheaval and the financial implications that change brings having mediated divorces, and helping clients with estate/tax matters, and home sale transactions.


With over15 years of experience as a transition coach and certified CDC divorce & transformation coach, I'm a firm believer that planning not only provides peace of mind for the future, but it's also the motivator to create goals and action steps to move forward. That's why every woman who coaches with me maps out a Life Design plan.  


As coach, lawyer/mediator, author and entreprenuer with a unique blend of work-life experiences, business know-how and holistic values, I've inspired hundreds of women like you to bloom. I also have experienced many life transitions first-hand and know what it's like to put my dream on hold and then start it back up again from scratch. I have rebuilt, reorganized and reinvented my own life and you can too.


I look forward to helping you feel more balanced, open up to things you never thought were possible, burst with clarity and creativity, thrive in your relationships, and be more fulfilled than you have in years.



"I believe any woman who musters the courage to rebuild, reorganize and reinvent, can find the freedom to live life on her terms and Bloom!"

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